Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Falling into the Hands of God

31 It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God. (Heb. 10:31 ESV)

Sometimes when we look at the Sunday readings side by side interesting questions can come up.  Our epistle reading begins with the words I just read about it being fearful to fall into God’s hands.  But Psalm 16 ends saying “in your presence is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.”   Our Gospel reading speaks of judgment and Tribulation.  The Gospel and the extended reading in Daniel both warn of the Abomination of Desolation standing in the Holy Place.  

Focusing on the contrast between Hebrews 10:31 and Psalm 16:11 we can find important truths.

I.                    First of all any contradiction between these two verses is superficial.

a.     They speak of different situations.

II.                 Look at the context, the Hebrews reading begins in the middle of a thought Hebrews 10:26-31

a.     Verse 31 is addressed to professors who are not possessors!

                                                              i.      People who profess faith but do not possess it.

                                                            ii.      They deliberately go on sinning.

1.     This is not periodic sin due to weakness even though we love Christ and are seeking His grace to change.

2.     It is not even struggling over and over with a sin that trips us up over and over.

3.     This is deliberately choosing sin over and over with no real repentance and no heartfelt remorse and a core belief that we really have a right to live this way.

4.     By naming the name of Christ while they live like this verse 29 says they “trample underfoot the Son of God” and “profane the blood of the covenant” and “outrage the Spirit of grace”.

5.     This is mighty fearful language!

6.     As a young believer these verses rightly terrified me!

7.     Despite my best efforts and sincerity I still sinned.

8.     Was I trampling Christ under my feet?

9.     Richard Phillips addresses this with great precision, “ What this verse describes is not believers who are struggling with sin, or even those who have besetting sins which plague their spiritual life and displease the Lord.  Rather, this refers to those who reject God’s authority to tell them what to do, and who flagrantly continue in their sin.”

                                                          iii.      After coming into an intellectual understanding of the Gospel and outwardly professing Christ but lacking true heart faith, they come to choose living to please their appetites over submission to God.

1.     They never truly say from the heart, “Jesus is Lord” but by their lifestyle they proclaim “my pleasure and my desire is Lord!”

2.     It is a willful, intentional rejection of the authority of God to tell us how to live.

3.     It is an arrogant choice to do it my way with wanton disregard of God’s right to demand we do it His way.

4.     One writer says “What the author has in mind is a deliberate, sinful lifestyle of high-handed rebellion against the gospel.  If a person keeps on sinning in this way  after receiving a knowledge of the gospel, no sacrifice for this kind of sin remains.”  (Guthrie, NIV App. Comm p. 355)

5.     This is apostasy!

6.     Understanding the Gospel, making a superficial profession of faith, but then choosing pleasing self over pleasing God.

7.     Centuries ago, Matthew Henry wrote of this, “The sin here mentioned is a total and final apostasy, when men with a full and fixed will and resolution despise and reject Christ, the only Saviour,-despise and resist the Spirit, the only sanctifier,-and despise and renounce the gospel, the only way of salvation, and the words of eternal life; and all this after they have known, owned, and professed, the Christian religion, and continue to do so obstinately and maliciously. This is the great transgression: the apostle seems to refer to the law concerning presumptuous sinners, Numbers 15:30, 31. They were to be cut off.”

                                                         iv.      V. 29 shows 3 core elements of apostasy:

1.     Rejecting the person of Christ – “trampling underfoot the Son of God.”

2.     Rejecting the work of Christ on the Cross – “profaning the blood of the covenant”

3.     Rejecting the influence of the Holy Spirit – “has outraged the Spirit of grace.”

a.       Cf Luke 12:10 Blaspheming the Holy Spirit, the “Unforgiveable sin” – rejecting the Holy Spirit’s testimony about Jesus.

                                                           v.      For those who do this it will be a truly horrendously fearful thing when they fall into the hands of the living God at the last judgement!

1.     They will be facing a righteous Judge, not a loving Savior!

2.     All the philosophical arguments against hell will go up in the flames of  reality.

3.     Their arrogant assurance that they can live as they please and there will be no accountability will dissolve as they face the painful wrath of a holy and loving God toward their sin.

4.     Beloved, I say painful wrath because I believe God takes no pleasure in seeing souls enter the damnation they chose in this life.  AND WE SHOULD NOT EITHER!

5.     But in His perfect justice and love He must punish each and every sin.

6.     Every act of sin must be punished either at the Cross or in eternal hellfire.

7.     Holiness demands this.

8.     Justice demands this.

9.     Even God’s love demands it.

a.     God will not force the unrepentant to change.

b.     And if He took them into Heaven unrepentant, then Heaven would cease to be heaven, it would become hell!

c.      Even God’s love demands that those who reject Christ be damned.

                                                         vi.      Eternal damnation is an uncomfortable truth.

1.     It is a hard, painful teaching.

2.     But it is the teaching of the Word of God.

                                                      vii.      Looking at this verse I would fail as a pastor if I didn’t take time to point out the fearful majesty of the living God!

1.     As C.S Lewis said in the Chronicles of Narnia, He is NOT a tame lion!

2.     One commentator writes, “There is a wildness in his nature and he will not be muzzled.”  (Guthrie NIV App Com. P. 367)

3.     He is the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End.

4.     He is the One who spoke and all creation came to be.

5.     He is the One who could with a single thought cause the entire universe to cease to be.

6.     He dwells in unapproachable light (1 Tim 6:16)

7.     When Uzzah laid hands on this God’s Ark of the Covenant he was stuck dead.

8.     He is perfectly holy, He knows all things, He has all power and authority.

9.     Everything He decrees will be; and there is no power that can stop it, slow it, or alter it in any measure.

10.                        It will be what He says, when He says, exactly the way He says it will be.

11.                        There is no court of higher appeal above this Almighty God.

12.                        It is an unspeakably horrible thing to fall into the hands of this God when He is angry at our sin.

III.              Then the writer of Hebrews draws his readers attention to suffering they endured in the early days of their faith and how they stood with other who suffered for Christ. (v. 21-34)

a.     It is helpful to remember the spiritual battles God has brought us through.

                                                              i.      Remember ways the Lord gave you power to love, to serve, to give generously to people in need.

                                                            ii.      These things are evidence of His Spirit being at work in you.

                                                          iii.      Draw encouragement from these memories.

b.     Then he hits them and us with a strong challenge – v. 35-38

                                                              i.      Don’t throw away your confidence

                                                            ii.      Dig in your heels and endure

                                                          iii.      Do not shrink back from radical obedience to the Lord.

c.      V. 39

                                                             i.      Work to avoid shrinking back, to avoid backsliding.

                                                           ii.      Work to make your calling and election sure.

                                                          iii.      work out your own salvation with fear and trembling,
 13 for it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure. (Phil. 2:12-13 ESV)

                                                             i.            know that the God who saved you is going to give you power to persevere to the end!

d.     Those who do not shrink back but who have faith and preserve their souls do not need to fear falling into the hands of the living God!

                                                              i.      For us, there is nothing more comforting than to fall into those powerful, protective hands!

                                                            ii.      We can know the wonderful truth of that Psalm we read earlier –
1.     1 Preserve me, O God, for in you I take refuge. (Ps. 16:1 ESV)

2.   5 The LORD is my chosen portion and my cup; you hold my lot.
6 The lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; indeed, I have a beautiful inheritance. (Ps. 16:5-6 ESV)

3.    8 I have set the LORD always before me; because he is at my right hand, I shall not be shaken.
 9 Therefore my heart is glad, and my whole being rejoices; my flesh also dwells secure.
 10 For you will not abandon my soul to Sheol, or let your holy one see corruption.
 11 You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.
 (Ps. 16:8-11 ESV)

                                       iii.    For the person who is humbly and sincerely walking in the grace of God through faith in Jesus there is nothing more wonderful than experiencing the presence of God!

1.   It is warm and inviting.

2.   It is life giving and brings healing and peace and restoration.

3.   It is HOME! 

4.   When a believer is in the manifest presence of God we find a unmatchable contentment – we know we are where we belong!

5.   We know we are in the arms of the One who loves us more than any other!

6.   In the presence of the Lord we find acceptance, cleansing, and a sense of wholeness – Shalom!

7.     Contemporary English Version, “and you make me glad
by being near to me.
                                              Sitting at your right side, 
I will always be joyful. [1]

8.     I love that translation of that verse! 

a.     It is so warm and so personal.

b.     And that is what the presence of God is to the Believer – warm and personal!

                                                         iv.      Doesn’t that sound far different, far more glorious than the fear in Hebrews 10:31?
What is the point of today’s message?   Two things –
1. take sin and the fearful majesty of Almighty God very , very seriously and make very sure you are trusting in Christ and that you are ready to stand before God.
Spurgeon (in Pink, Hebrews) “Secret sin is a stepping-stone to presumptuous sin, and that is the vestibule of ‘the sin which I unto death.”
2.  When you are walking in humble, sincere faith God wants to meet with you in a wonderful, personal way.  God wants you to experience His presence in a way that touches the deepest part of you with love and acceptance.  It may have signs like tongues or prophecy or some other physical manifestation.  But most often it doesn’t!  Signs are great, but it’s the inner reality that really matters.  At the Communion rail, in your private prayer room, seek the face of God and be open to the warm embrace of Abba Father, the Lord Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.  Amen.

[1] The Holy Bible: The Contemporary English Version. (1995). (Ps 16:11). Nashville: Thomas Nelson.

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