Friday, July 20, 2012

The Hidden Victims - thoughts on the Denver Batman Shootings

Senseless tragedy strikes our world once again.  Early reports says 14 were murdered and 50 wounded by a gunman at a midnight showing of the new Batman movie in Denver.  Descriptions of what happened sound similar to scenes from earlier films in the franchise!

Quite appropriately people of faith are praying for the wounded, for the families who have lost loved ones, for traumatized survivors.  But in these situations we often fail to realize the parents and family of the alleged perpetrator are hidden victims.  Early this morning ABC news contacted a woman in San Diego identified as the mother of the man arrested.  How would you like to get that phone call or knock on your door?
Can you put yourself in her shoes?  Your child is accused of a horrible crime.  You are going to see him dragged through the mud of the 24 hour news cycle.  At some point some shrink may pompously bloviate on cable TV about how your parenting may have contributed to this tragedy.  You face the horror of contemplating your child doing prison time or even facing execution.  Have you ever seen a loved one in a jail jumpsuit or had to talk to them through a jail or prison glass?  It tears at your heart!

This man’s parents may have been awful parents.  But even most bad parents would be hurting right now (not all, sadly).  They may have been good or even excellent parents.  Things go wrong.  As children move through the teen age years and into early adulthood, they sometimes make tragically bad choices on their own.

When a teen or young adult child is accused and/or convicted of a crime the family is often ignored or even stigmatized.  No one brings meals to the mother whose son has been sentenced to prison time.  But she has suffered loss!  She has great pain!  She needs support and encouragement.  This is where the body of Christ can step up and act like the body of Christ!

Pray for the hidden victims in this situation as well as the obvious victims.  Every time you hear a story like this, pray for the family of the accused.  If someone near you is a hidden victim, gently reach out to them.  Let them know you care; you are praying, offer a safe listening ear.  That means keeping confidentialities and not gossiping! 

Even the perpetrator needs our prayers.  Jesus prayed for those who unjustly executed Him.  We need to pray for those who are evil, or misguided, or deranged.  If evil or misguided they need to repent and turn from their sin and foolishness.  If deranged they need healing and perhaps deliverance.

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